Writing Dredd Hooks In PHP

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PHP hooks are using Dredd’s hooks handler socket interface. For using PHP hooks in Dredd you have to have Dredd already installed



  • php version >= 5.4

Installing dredd-hooks-php can be easily installed through the package manager, composer.

$ composer require ddelnano/dredd-hooks-php --dev


$ dredd apiary.apib --language=vendor/bin/dredd-hooks-php --hookfiles=./hooks*.php

API Reference

The Dredd\Hooks class provides the static methods listed below to create hooks

  1. beforeEach, beforeEachValidation, afterEach

  2. before, beforeValidation, after

  3. beforeAll, afterAll

    • accepts a block as a first argument passing an Array of Transaction objects as a first argument

Refer to Dredd execution lifecycle to find when is each hook function executed.


Example usage of all methods. Very Important The $transaction variable passed to the closure MUST be a reference. Otherwise the $transaction variable will be passed by value when the closure is executed and the changes will not be reflected.


use Dredd\Hooks;

Hooks::beforeAll(function(&$transaction) {

    echo "before all";

Hooks::beforeEach(function(&$transaction) {

    echo "before each";

Hooks::before("Machines > Machines collection > Get Machines", function(&$transaction) {

    echo "before";

Hooks::beforeEachValidation(function(&$transaction) {

    echo "before each validation";

Hooks::beforeValidation("Machines > Machines collection > Get Machines", function(&$transaction) {

    echo "before validation";

Hooks::after("Machines > Machines collection > Get Machines", function(&$transaction) {

    echo "after";

Hooks::afterEach(function(&$transaction) {

    echo "after each";

Hooks::afterAll(function(&$transaction) {

    echo "after all";


In the dredd-hooks-php repository there is an example laravel application with instructions in the wiki

How to Skip Tests

Any test step can be skipped by setting skip property of the transaction object to true.


use Dredd\Hooks;

Hooks::before("Machines > Machines collection > Get Machines", function(&$transaction) {

    $transaction->skip = true;

Failing Tests Programmatically

You can fail any step by setting fail property on transaction object to true or any string with descriptive message.


use Dredd\Hooks;

Hooks::before("Machines > Machines collection > Get Machines", function(&$transaction) {

    $transaction->fail = true;

Modifying Transaction Request Body Prior to Execution


use Dredd\Hooks;

Hooks::before("Machines > Machines collection > Get Machines", function(&$transaction) {

    $requestBody = $transaction->request->body;

    $requestBody['someKey'] = 'new value';

    $transaction->request->body = json_encode($requestBody);

Adding or Changing URI Query Parameters to All Requests


use Dredd\Hooks;

Hooks::beforeEach(function(&$transaction) {

    // add query parameter to each transaction here

    $paramToAdd = 'api-key=23456';

    if (strpos($transaction->fullPath, "?")) {

        $transaction->fullPath .= "&{$paramToAdd}";

    else {

        $transaction->fullPath .= "?{$paramToAdd}";

Handling sessions


use Dredd\Hooks;

$stash = [];

Hooks::after("Auth > /remoteauto/userpass", function(&$transaction) use (&$stash) {

    $parsedBody = json_decode($transaction->real->body);

    $stash['token'] = $parseBody->sessionId;

Hooks::beforeEach(function(&$transaction) use (&$stash) {

    if ($transaction->token) {

        $transaction->request->headers->Cookie = "id={$stash['token']}s";